
TeaM Energy brings light to communities that have never experienced having electricity. It has been a prime mover in corporate social responsibility with its flagship programs on Rural Electrification, Environment Conservation, Education and Engagement.
TeaM Energy Foundation, Inc. (TEFI) is also a major participant in the “Public Private Partnership” program with the government in achieving its 100% Household Electrification program by 2020. TEFI’s Electrification program is a success story on poverty alleviation utilizing electrification as a tool to catalyze sustainable economic development for marginalized communities.
Project BEACON
Together with partners in the industry (government and electric cooperatives), TEFI lit up the lives of those in rural communities by bringing the benefit of electricity to far-flung and isolated barangays in the country. Project BEACON which stands for Barangay (Village) Electrification For Countryside Development, a multi-sectoral approach to rural electrification, and was the company’s response to the call of the government to support its national program in Barangay Electrification or, what was then known as the “O Ilaw” (Oh Light) Program. The project covered 1,500 barangays in 49 provinces and over 150 municipalities throughout the country with total project cost of Php 1.5 Billion or US $ 28 Million making it the first and largest corporate social responsibility program of its kind in the Philippines. It has delivered electricity to over 300,000 households or 1 Million Filipinos.
Household Electrification Assistance through Renewable Technology and Social Preparation for the Upliftment of Lives (HEART & SOUL) provides electricity to households using Photovoltaic (PV) solar power systems in remote off grid communities. It is a holistic approach, beyond simple electrification, as it calls for empowering communities to improve their quality of lives. Born out of the lessons from Project BEACON, this supports the Department of Energy’s (DOE) target on Household Electrification and intends to extend the benefits of electrification from provision of electricity to sustainability of installed PV Solar Systems by engaging and empowering recipient communities organizing them into people’s organizations called Renewable Energy and Community Development Associations (RECDAS). Fortified with the right values and tools, they are given a chance to start small enterprises that will create opportunities to connect economic growth to increased social equity. HEART AND SOUL has benefitted 5,995 households in three (3) areas in Luzon namely Polilio Group of Islands, Infanta and Sual Pangasinan and has brought social benefits to 29,975 individuals.
This project is a fundraising campaign which aims to tap different sources of funding from potential partners other than the government to bring electricity to those that are hardly reached by any form of intervention.
The recipients of “Light A Home” are homes with no sufficient source of income or no income at all and are living in poverty without basic necessities like electricity. Since 2015, this has brought power to 686 households and has benefitted 3,430 indigents. Fisherfolks, students and poor families were part of the beneficiaries of this program.
TEFI has put up a solar battery charging station, a simple technology intervention that provides added value to household electrification, other basic social services, and support for livelihood development. TEFI forged a partnership with ELT, a Korean based technology company introduced through a partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and Pangasinan I Electric Cooperative (PANELCO I) to provide a solar battery charging station in the Island of Silaki, Barangay Binabalian, Municipality of Bolinao, Pangasinan for household lighting and other household appliances for communication and entertainment. This also included small systems for productive uses (small ice making machine and water desalination for children) to maximize the social and economic development impacts of electrification. It’s ultimate goal is to provide reliable energy access for the community with24 hours a day, and powering small appliances like TV, radio, DVD, electric fan and videoke systems, at the same time provision for livelihood development.